Galatians 2:20-21 (NIV) “I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. I do not set aside the grace of God, for if righteousness could be gained through the law, Christ died for nothing!”
The Gospel is a very personal message. It is for all, yet it is also for one. An example is the Gospel account of Jesus walking from Judea to Galilee and passing through Samaria. Jews made it their business to not associate with Samaritans for they did not consider them their equal for various religious and cultural reasons. Jesus sat down at Jacob’s Well in Sychar and there met a woman at the well. One lone woman in a country that Jews went out of their way to avoid passing through. Christ knew this woman before He had met her and knew her entire life story before she uttered a word. It was on that day that Christ revealed Himself to an adulteress woman, breaking the mold set by religious leaders of the day by not judging and categorizing a person based on their dress, social status, financial means or moral standards. Can we say we do the same? I know I don’t.
That is just one example in a Bible that is full of stories that break any preconceived ideas we may have about God, Jesus, evangelizing; etc. A Christian’s life is not normal by this world’s standards on any level. We have peace in the midst of conflict; joy in the midst of sorrow; comfort in the midst of pain and we strive to become more like the unseen Savior that we attempt to serve each day. This striving is based on faith and trust. This is based on the fact that we were and are loved by this unseen triune God, who not only loves us, but loves us without placing any conditions on that love. Read 1 Corinthians 13, the ‘Love’ chapter, to get a better feel for how God loves us and how WE are to love for that matter. Christ gave Himself a sacrifice for all and yet I believe that even if there were only one person in existence He would have gone to the cross just the same.
Christ’s substitutionary, atoning death made us righteous in the sight of God. It had nothing to do with anything we had done or could ever do. The Bible says our righteousness is like filthy rags to God (Isaiah 64:6). Without Christ we are separated from God. His death bridges the gap that was caused by the Fall of Adam and Eve. If adhering to the OT Mosaic Law could make one righteous, then Jesus died for nothing. I don’t believe that for a moment. If following the letter of the Law made one righteous then it would have been possible for a person to be perfect in God’s sight by his own actions and all the blood sacrifices made throughout the OT proves that that was not ever the case. God’s grace or unmerited favor is a gift. No matter what you have done, what you are doing or what you will ever do, the blood of Christ covers it all … if you receive the gift and live for God. That may seem like a condition, but not really. God loves you whether you love Him back or not. He just knows that you can fulfill all the potential that you were created with from birth if you follow the will, word and leading of your Creator. Do you HAVE to follow Him? Nope. You were created with a free will, however, Paul says that he can “do all things but all things do not benefit me”.
Are you lost? Do you not know which way to go? Is your life in chaos? Seek the wisdom and guidance of your Heavenly Father. This may apply to non-believers, but it may also apply to members of the family of God as well. Lose your pride. Give in to what you know to be true. Living for God is not a burden or hardship, though trials will surely come. Believe. Trust in and rely on God. He has never failed me and because He doesn’t love one person more than another or show any sort of favoritism, I know He will never fail you either.
So once again it is time to WALK WITH THE KING AND BE A BLESSING!!
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