Numbers 14:18 (NIV) “The LORD is slow to anger, abounding in love and forgiving sin and rebellion.”
Ever make a mistake? I have. An error in judgment? Yes sir. Gone off on a rabbit trail which ran perpendicular to the narrow road you have been following? More times than I care to recall. God is slow to anger. That means He is patient with us. His abundance of love for us allows that.
PATIENCE defined: 1) tolerance, understanding; 2. capable of calmly waiting; 3) not hasty or impulsive.
God knows our inclinations. We have a predisposition to doing that which is unwise and at times, impulsive. Our old man struggles against the new path we are walking. God knows this. He created us. Just as a parent knows the tendencies of their child, God knows ours. In spite of our misdirection and rebellion, even in the face of our misdeeds, God forgives – if we seek forgiveness. A blanket pardon for all rapidly becomes cheap grace when those the forgiveness is meant for takes it all for granted or dismisses it as unnecessary. The pardon, the result of God’s love for His creation, is best realized by those who embrace forgiveness and understand the implications of shunning it. Those that serve God typically understand those implications and run towards the loving forgiveness freely provided.
God’s patience comes into play when we who should know better continue to stumble over the same rise in the sidewalk, so to speak. When we do NOT learn our lessons and as a result grow in spiritual maturity, we are destined to repeat those same lessons endlessly until they are absorbed. But God’s patience is infinite for those who seek truth. I believe there is an end to His patience at some point, known only to Him, when He knows that a person is deaf to His call and resolute in their actions regardless of the consequences. Even then, if that person humbly returns seeking once again the patient guidance, love, forgiveness and leadership of God, it is found by him.
God never gives up on us. He never pulls away from us entirely. He pulls back and allows us to go the way we think is best in spite of God’s warnings through His Holy Spirit. Most times we have no idea what we are doing. God knows this about us and loves us all the same. So take heart my friends. Know that God loves you and shall be patient with you until the end and seeks to guide you into all wisdom. While there are always consequences for bad decisions made, God is there waiting at the other end of it to counsel and redirect.