Proverbs 15:1 (NIV) “A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.”
I am a purchaser by trade. Have been for over 25 years. I have found this verse to literally be true in a variety of ways. When I spoke with suppliers I was nearly always calm and patient, even in the face of bad news. “Shooting the messenger”, as the saying goes, never accomplishes anything positive. It only makes YOUR blood pressure rise and aggravates the receiver of your anger. And 9 times out of 10 it is not their personal fault. I know, I know, they are responsible for the matter, but tell me what has ever been gained by screaming at someone over bad news.
If I have ever lost my temper at someone, I have always rued the day that I did. The saying “you can attract more flies with honey then with vinegar” applies in these types of cases. That is not to say that we should be disingenuous. By all means, be genuine. You can be firm and get your point across without yelling or “dressing them down” either on the phone or in person. When I let people know that they never have to be afraid to call me with bad news because I will not “go off” on them, I think that goes a long was towards establishing trust and building a good working relationship. I have also found that if you follow the Biblical principle of “treating others the way you want to be treated”; you get a positive reaction in return. You also tend to get better communication and customer service.
In personal scenarios the same applies. Speaking kindly to another, regardless of how they are acting previous to or as a result of what you have said, is exhibiting grace. You are showing favor to a person who does not deserve it due to his behavior. Doesn’t God do the same thing for us? A harsh word is like a snow ball that is rolled down hill. It accumulates additional snow as it rolls downhill, becoming bigger and bigger, wiping out everything in it's path, until in the end it comes crashing into something or someone before it comes to a rest. The result is that it has left pain and discord in its wake. Speak with compassion and kindness to all, in spite of how they treat you. It is what God would have you do. It isn’t easy often times, but with the help of God’s Holy Spirit, you will be the winner in the end.
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