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Monday, October 3, 2011


James 1:22 (NIV) “Do not merely listen to the word and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.”

What does God have to do to get our attention?

He has revealed Himself to us … left His word as a road map to find our way through this life … provided for us and sustained us in all types of situations, both good and bad. Yet we can be so casual, so indifferent about our relationship with Him. I maintain that it is much easier to be influenced by that which can be seen, touch, smell and taste, then the reverse. Not being able to see God or hear His voice audibly is a challenge and requires something we cannot purchase at the local Wal-Mart. It requires FAITH. Jesus tells those in the room with “doubting” Thomas … “you have seen me and believe, but how much more blessed are those who have never seen and yet still believe.”

Sin is fun, if it wasn’t no one would be tempted to do the things that fall into that category. However, the fun is usually short lived and consequences surely follow close behind. The consequences should show us that doing wrong in the eyes of God simply isn’t worth it. Knowing that, we end up pursuing sin all the more, each subsequent time thinking that we will avert the reaping part of the sowing/reaping process. We never do. God patiently waits for us to get our rebellion and curiosity out of our system, but times awastin’. God has offered us meat to eat and we are still sucking on a bottle. We need to branch out.

God is trying to communicate with us and we have the volume turned up on our surroundings. We are easily duped into thinking that our lives for God are “just fine thank you” because we go to church each Sunday and play the part of a Christian. Where is our heart? What DOES God have to do to get our attention?

How do we crowd out the cacophony of sounds that infiltrate our world each day? How do we attain our spiritual equilibrium? James tells us to DO the Word of God. Don’t just read a few verses each day or perhaps even a chapter or two. If you put your nose in THE book and yet come out unchanged, what have you really done? Nothing.

James 1:23-24 (NIV) “Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like someone who looks at his face in a mirror and after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like.”

I have trouble blocking out noise when I am trying to concentrate on anything, especially God. I have even resorted to going to to create white noise in an attempt to block out the sounds that surround me … put on headphones and it is blissful. Hey, whatever works I suppose. But the point is there are ways to achieve and maintain focus and concentration if you seek them and ask God to help you.

Look up the lyrics to “I miss my time with you” by Larnelle Harris. It is God telling his child that He misses the time they used to spend together. It is an older gospel song, but powerful nonetheless. Focus on God; focus on His word. Cloister yourself away, even in an open space. Know His word and do it. Don’t play church. I have. It is wasted time. God loves us so much. Let’s follow His lead and do as He instructs. Has He ever steered you wrong?


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