I must also say that I am very hard on myself. I always have been. That’s not to minimize or cast aside my concerns; no, not at all. I don’t consider myself to be a very good Christian. However, having said that, I realize that God is not through with me yet and better days are coming as I allow Him to continue His work within me, for you see it is not the exterior things that others can see that matter, but rather the inward working of the Holy Spirit who creates the change that can ultimately be seen outwardly that really matters. This spiritual surgery which extracts undesirable traits and replaces them with Godly ones is quite necessary in all believers. Without it we are the same person with the same worldly desires and the same penchant for wrong doing.
How would you answer that question up above? Have you allowed God to have His way with you? Do you even feel the need to do so? God loves you. Let Him move freely about you by His Spirit, reconstructing you into all you can be for His glory.