What do you think you’re worth? Let me tell you, you are of incalculable worth to God, who created you to begin with. Think about how insignificant 5 sparrows would be. Let’s take a brief look at the sparrow. There are five species of sparrow in the world today. The largest species group is referred to as True Sparrows. There are 27 different types of True Sparrows flitting about the earth. Generally speaking, sparrows are small, plump, brown-grey birds with short tails and stubby, powerful beaks. The different species can weigh anywhere from a 1/2 oz to 1-1/2 ozs. Sparrows, which are primarily seed eating birds, have an extra bone in their tongues to help stiffen it giving them the innate ability to hold their seed firmly in their mouth.
The first thing that could be said is regarding the intricacy of the birds skeletal structure, especially the extra bone in it’s tongue to aid in eating. Do you seriously think that just happened? I choose to believe that it was by grand design and the designer was Almighty God.
Like the tiniest seed, the mustard seed, being the perfect example for the amount of faith that is required to believe, so one of the tiniest birds is a perfect comparative example of worth. If God, in all His power and wisdom, values the sparrow and doesn’t neglect them in any way, how much more does He value you? Luke makes a good point in saying that every single hair on your head is numbered. He knows how many hairs you have on your head!! With that in mind I would venture to say that God also knows the number of grains of sand there are on the earth’s beaches. It is meant to show that God cares and not just in a casual way. He cares for you intimately. He cares about everything that matters to you. He loves you and wants you to know it. You may be down and out and how nothing positive going in your life at this very moment, but God still loves you. If you seek His face and trust in Him He will never fail you. We have nothing to fear. We are not worth more to God than one sparrow, but rather many sparrows. If He takes good care of the little birds of creation, He will most assuredly take good care of you. But you must have faith; you must believe. You must place your complete trust in Him. It is easier if you know Him and to know Him comes from reading the words He has left for us. In it we find promises of His never ending love and the fact that He will never leave or forsake us. God cares deeply for you as an individual. Never forget that. Call out to Him regardless of your situation. He’s there waiting to hear from you.