While no specifics are given as to what David’s prayer was for, God heard him and because of that David was grateful. We can be assured that our Lord hears us when we pray. Our answers may not come instantaneously, but they will come. The thing that we as Christians must realize and understand is that time means nothing to God. He will answer our prayer when He knows it’s the right time. He will also answer it in a manner that He knows is perfect for us. Beware of expecting a certain answer because it may not be what you were expecting; however, it will come. Patience is required when awaiting God’s answers. Never take a lack of an answer as a denial. Your answer lies in what I refer to as “the land of the not yet”. In the end, your answer will be just what you needed and arrive exactly when it is needed the most. Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing!