The church in Corinth was a veritable melting pot of different socio-economic strata, having Jew, Greek, slave, free, rich and poor as part of their congregation. Many of the Corinthian believers were former idol worshippers, hence Paul’s admonition in 6:12 and 10:23. It is there the church proclaims that they can do all things to which Paul responds that not all things are beneficial or constructive. Here we see the Apostle instructing the Corinthian believers to honor God with their bodies for they are not their own. The same could be said of us today. We were also bought with the same price that was paid for the believers back then. The cost has never changed and the price paid hasn’t either. Wherever we go as Christians, the Holy Spirit of God goes with us. He is in us and wishes to mold us into all that God knows we can be. We must allow Him to do so. Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing!