King David wrote this Psalm of worship to Jehovah possibly when he was on the run from his arrogant and vain son Absalom, who tried to take the throne from him by force. Although his life was threatened he still offered praise to his God, knowing that only God could protect and save him. His thirsting after the Lord is something we should apply to our own lives.
When we are in need of liquids, perhaps to stave off dehydration, we crave it and seek it earnestly. In like manner we should earnestly seek the fellowship of the Lord. He stands stationary, awaiting our approach yet we busy ourselves with life’s trivialities. It seems that we only pay Him any mind at all when we feel we need Him, not realizing that we need Him always. Without the wisdom and guidance of His Holy Spirit, we would be undone; unable to survive in a dark and sinful world. Surrender to the will of God for your life. Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing!