Many times we need advice regarding a decision we must make. God can provide that advice in the form of wisdom and that wisdom might just come from someone whose opinion you trust the most. I have a mentor whom I have known for nearly 10 years. When I am ever in doubt as to which direction I should go I either email or call him. His wise counsel has kept me from saying and doing the wrong thing many times. It has also kept me on the right path when I was in danger of veering off onto a rabbit trail.
It takes time to make a proper decision regarding important events; but what about the times when we simply must make a decision “on the fly”. We must then rely on past experiences and previous wise counsel to make those quick decisions. The closer we stay in our Lord, the better we will hear His Holy Spirit give us the answers we need to succeed. We cannot hope to make right decisions without some sort of good and godly advice. Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing!