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Monday, January 5, 2015


“I, the Lord, invite you to come and talk it over. Your sins are scarlet red, but they will be whiter than snow or wool.  If you willingly obey me, the best crops in the land will be yours.  But if you turn against me, your enemies will kill you.  I, the Lord, have spoken.”  Isaiah 1:18-20
         The Jewish people had vacillated regarding their relationship to God for many generations. They had disobeyed Him constantly and for that reason the Lord speaks out against them in the first chapter of Isaiah the prophet.  In spite of all their sinning, their blood red stain could be made whiter than pure driven snow.  Only God can do this.  All they had to do was obey Him.  They seem to have had a real problem doing that with any consistency.
         Are we today any different?  Although we live during a period of grace (God’s unmerited or undeserved favor toward sinful man) we still must obey the will and the word of God.  Like the Jews of the Old Testament, we also lack consistency in our quest to obey.  Our sins run deep.  Think about how difficult it can be to remove a deeply embedded blood red stain. Understand that our sin was not a surface stain, but deeply ground into the very fiber of our being.  No amount of hydrogen peroxide* will remove the stain we have.  Only acceptance of God’s gift of forgiveness will purge the stain from our soul.
         And what of this notion that their enemies will kill those Jews turned against God?  That was very much true in the Ole Testament, but what of us today?  I submit to you that we are our own very worst enemy.  We will end up killing ourselves if we don’t submit to the precepts of the Lord.  God won’t need to kill us and indeed will not.  Our own ignorance and stubborn arrogance will end up being our demise in the end if we ignore that which God has revealed to us thru the death of His Son.  What was true then remains true today.  Those who go against God by virtue of their disobedience to His word, will shrivel up and die spiritually and in the end be thrown into the lake of fire for all eternity.
          Giving our unflagging allegiance to God and living for Him is a serious matter.  God truly does know what works best for His children.  Obey God and reap the best He has to offer in this life.  Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing! 
* A remover of blood stains; however, can possibly weaken the integrity of the fabrics fibers or possibly leave a stain itself.