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Wednesday, January 28, 2015


“Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.”  John 4:23-24
         Jesus was speaking to the Samaritan woman at the well.  He was revealing to her that a time was coming and in fact had come in the person of Jesus Himself, when true worship will be done in the spirit.  A temple will no longer be required or necessary to worship God.  Jew and Gentile will be as one to God.  The veil between God and man shall be torn asunder.
         One of the greatest obstacles people have in believing in God is the fact that He cannot be seen with the naked eye.  People have said, “If I could only see God I would believe in Him.”  That statement comes from ignorance in what true Christianity is.  It is not see and believe, but rather see the unseen as if it can be seen and believe.  That is faith in a nutshell.  God can be seen, only not in the natural.  God reveals Himself in nature around us.  To the spiritually discerning, God reveals Himself all the time. 
         For those who wish to know and worship God, they need to step into the world of the Spirit. Not just any spirit, but the Holy Spirit.  Evil spirits abound.  Becoming fine-tuned in our faith so we can determine which spirit is from the Lord and which is not requires diligence on our part.  If we don’t feed our spirit man with the word of God we shall be spiritually weak and lack discernment. The Lord wants us to have wisdom and discernment, but we have to have the ‘want to’.  If we don’t have the desire to draw closer to the Lord, then He cannot help us become all He knows we can be for Him.  We must seek it and then receive it when God offers it to us.
        The Mosaic Law was temporary, until Messiah came to fulfill the necessary sacrifice once for all time.  Through Christ, God bridged the gap between the creature and his/her Creator.  God desires us to worship Him with our mouths and with our lives.  Spirit living is to live your life as a reflection of Christ.  We should strive to think like Him, speak like Him and act and react like Him in all things.  That may seem like a tall order, but in the spirit all things are possible.  Worship God with your lives in spirit and in truth.  Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing!
NOTE: “True” worship is contrasted with the worship regulated by the temporary provisions of the law, especially the separation of Jews and Gentiles and the requirement of temple worship at Jerusalem. The ceremonial and sacrificial aspects of the law were not false; they were temporary and provisional. Worship “in spirit” is worship in the Holy Spirit. He continues the work begun by Jesus (14:16–18; Acts 2:33). Prominent marks of the age of the Spirit are the removal of the barrier between Jews and Gentiles, and the ability of Christians to worship without the need for a temple of any kind.  [Reformation Study Bible; P & R Publishing; 2nd Edition; 2010.]