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Monday, July 4, 2016


“Godliness makes a nation great, but sin is a disgrace to any people.”
       The children of God continually vacillated between serving God and serving self.  The mistake of seeking a King like the other surrounding nations(1) opened the door to a roller coaster ride of obedience and disobedience based on the spiritual disposition of a particular king, which caused a lot of God’s judgment to fall upon them over the years.  Had they kept God as their King they could have avoided much of the heartache they experienced.
       Is the United States a Christian Nation? In spite of what revisionist historians have been attempting to do, this country was founded on the Bible and God’s guidance. Statistically speaking, while 78% consider themselves Christians, only a little more than 1/3rd of America’s population (39%) consider themselves ‘born-again’(2). 
       There is a big difference between saying you’re a Christian and living like one.  A lot of sinning is going on in this great country of ours and people are doing their best to make it seem as though it’s okay.  When Solomon speaks of godliness, he is speaking of obedience to God’s word.  He is referring to living with a spirit of forgiveness, mercy and grace.  These are the by-products of love.  Is our country a disgraced nation because of the greatness of sin that exists?  That is for God to determine, however, if we use the scriptures as our guidebook, I believe it is safe to say I wouldn’t want to be a sinner standing before God on the last day. There are those who ridicule believers in Christ and/or are trying to eradicate any thought of God in our nation.  They are not content to simply not believe as we do, they consider us dangerous and are looking for ways to stop us from representing Christ within our collective spheres of influence. There are also those live life under the faulty premise that God isn’t really going to cast anyone into outer darkness away from His presence for all eternity.  God’s not like that, right?  On the contrary, God is a loving, merciful, forgiving God until He has determined that no one else will listen and repent from their sinful ways, then comes the judgment of man.
       Every chance has been given to man to confess their sin and receive the free gift of God’s forgiveness thru Christ’s blood.  Some will simply never listen.  This is a supremely great nation and there are many God loving, God fearing people living here who do not live in sin.  While we all slip up and sin at times, that is not what living in sin is.  It’s sinning as a way of life without conviction of any wrongdoing.  This is unacceptable in the eyes of God.  We must continue to show this world what it truly means to be a follower of Christ.  Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing!
NOTE: NLT is the New Life Translation.
(1) 1 Samuel 8:4-21


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