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Thursday, July 21, 2016


Jeremiah 23:24 New Living Translation
“Can anyone hide from me in a secret place?  Am I not everywhere in all the heavens and earth?” says the Lord.
       Folks do things that are wrong all the time. They think they are so cunning, thinking they have actually gotten away with something. All the while they are acting out in full view of God, whether they happen to believe that or not. Christians can take comfort in the fact that there are no places that He does not see us; non-Christians cannot. There is no place on this planet that is hidden from Him.  Like a home designer who knows every nook and cranny of a house his drew up, God knows even the most remote place in His creation. If a Christian has a misstep, there is a need to own up to it, seek forgiveness and move on. God knows all about it, so denying it, acting as if it never happened, is fruitless. Take solace in the fact that God is patient. This isn’t a single elimination reality show; God wants us to succeed, to thrive and be at peace.
       How big is God to you? Is he big enough to handle any and all of your problems?  Along with his ability to be all places at one time, he is also omnipotent.  That’s being all-powerful.  Nothing in creation is as powerful as the one who made it.  No created being is as powerful as the one who gave it breath.  Just because we can’t see God means nothing; just because we don’t understand the how and the why of God’s actions means nothing either.  We must either trust the Lord without hesitation or simply deny his existence, because he hasn’t given us a multitude of options regarding his existence.  If he’s real, then he is either who he says in his word he is or he is not.  If you believe he exists, then trust God to be with you wherever you go and know that you shall be blessed for following his instructions for living.
       Since God is omnipresent, there is literally no place that He is not. His spirit can be found everywhere.  Self-absorbed man sees nothing but themselves and what they are doing; the spiritual man can see God’s presence all around him. Take the time to marvel at the creation of God.  God always has our best interests at heart. Seek His will for your life and not your own.  Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing!

Resource: The Life Application Study Bible; published by Tyndale Publishing.

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