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Thursday, November 17, 2016


Psalm 119:115 New Living Translation
“Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path.”
            In this world of sin and impropriety, one standard shines.  It radiates the glory and majesty of a God who honors and blesses obedience and makes enemies of those who reject him. That standard is his Word.  It has stood the test of time and remains the one truth among many lies throughout the ages.  God’s Word is the one thing among all others that will establish in a man righteousness and wholeness thru its’ wisdom and directives.  If allowed it will provide clear vision regarding the path the Lord wishes you to take.  His Word isn’t just a light, but rather a high voltage spotlight that shows us not only which way to go, but also the pitfalls and temptations we need to avoid.  His Word is the one and only constant source of correct behavior and right character in the face of worldly imposters.  This is the reason it is so incredibly important to not just read the Word, but immerse yourself in it.  As you do it will begin to provide the knowledge and guidance you need to live life to the fullest for the Lord.
            The devil knows what God’s Word is and the power that it carries, therefore, he will do anything in his power to keep a person so busy with non-essentials that they cannot seem to find the time to spend even one minute in its pages.  We must cut thru these non-essential time wasters and place as a top priority the reading of God’s Word daily. It is our lifeblood, our sustenance.  Without it our spirit man withers and dies. 
            We wouldn’t want to go down a pitch-dark path without some sort of light to show us the way to go. So why would we want to go down life’s path, which is many times fraught with the darkness of sin and ungodliness, without some sort of light. Pick up your Bible and ask the Lord to show you what he would like to teach you from its pages today.  Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing!

Resource: The Matthew Henry Commentary on the Bible.

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