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Saturday, January 2, 2021

Our Secret Sins

“You have set our iniquities before you, our secret sins in the light of your presence.”- Psalm 90:8

          We, as a people of God, should never think that we can think, say or do something that will escape God’s ever watching eye. The eyes that see danger and protect are the same eyes that chastise and rebuke. When the Bible tells us of His omniscience that essentially means that anything that can be known is known by Almighty God. That is not meant to be a threat or have us walking on eggshells our entire lives, it is meant to be a comfort to us. It is also meant to instruct us that there is nothing we can think, say or do in our lives that will not be known by God. 

          There are some people who feel they are doing their due diligence when they make an appearance in church on Sunday morning and still others that show up any time the doors are open, and the lights are on. This does not make that person a Christian. That is simply what a Christian does. Typically, it is those believers who, through a lack of understanding, live their lives in ignorance. They don’t realize what is asked of them as Ambassadors of Christ and live a life that is not exemplary of God’s grace and mercy. Secret sins done in private may be a secret to all of creation, but they are fully known to God and are laid out before Him. He cannot be fooled and cannot be mocked. What a person sows in their life will result in the harvest they reap. If a life is filled with secret sins that fly in the face of God’s glory and by their very tenor disgrace the mercy He has bestowed upon them, then God shall shine a light on those sins at the proper time. We must never think we can pull one over on our Heavenly Father. He knows all things and will allow you to continue in them if you are determined to; however, the consequences may end up being devastating. The way to remove sin of all kinds from our life is to allow the Holy Spirit of God to extract them from us. Don’t let another day go by where a secret kept can stunt your spiritual growth. God is a righteous judge but is also a loving Lord who will forgive all sin if confessed with a sorrowful and sincere heart. Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing.

Richard Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

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