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Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Walking Thru Ecclesiastes

Solomon’s practical counsel

Spotlight on Ecclesiastes 7:1-14


“When times are good, be happy; but when times are bad, consider this: God has made the one as well as the other. Therefore, no one can discover anything about their future.” - Ecclesiastes 7:14

            They say that life is what you make of it. Life can be dull and boring or exciting and fulfilling. It’s our choice how we emotionally deal with our own life. If we are bored with life that was our decision to be bored. No one made us bored. We don’t HAVE to be bored. It was our choice. Solomon is telling his readers that we should be happy when experiencing good times. Times that are peaceful, rewarding and significantly fulfilling, are times we should be pleased with our life. We should make it a point of being pleased with our life regardless of our circumstances because bad times do eventually end. 

Good times will not always last forever. Adversity comes to every man. It is a faith builder. How would be ever grow spiritually if the sun was always shining and problems always steered clear of us? That would be irrational thinking; completely illogical. Life ebbs and flows just like a river. There is good and bad found in each day. It is our job to maintain a stable attitude throughout, never allowing the good times to take us too high, or the bad times too low. God wants us to use his word as the stabilizing factor in our lives. This was we can enjoy the good times and not be too surprised by the bad. 

Just a weather can at times be highly erratic, so can our lives. The future is completely unknown to us all. If we could know it, we wouldn’t need faith. We have faith and belief in God; therefore, we trust him to do right by us throughout our lives, even in bad times. Bad times do pass. The rainbow at the end of the storm gives of hope for better days. Don’t be so concerned about what will happen even one hour from now. Lean on the Lord and trust that everything will always work out for your best interest and know that in troublesome times God is already standing on the other side of it waiting for you. Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing.

Richard Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

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