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Monday, November 8, 2021

Walking Thru Ecclesiastes

Solomon’s practical counsel

Spotlight on Ecclesiastes 7:1-14


“Wisdom and money can get you almost anything, but only wisdom can save your life.”Ecclesiastes 7:12


            How many people do you know who “religiously” purchase Lottery Tickets each and every day … some buy up to $20 worth a day? They believe that if they have a BIG cash payout they will be set for life. In spite of what they may think, they are not using wisdom or even good sense. Interestingly it seems to be the folks who have the least monetarily that play most frequently. While it’s true that money can get you just about anything you heart desires, it cannot save your soul.

            This is essentially what Solomon is telling us here. Money will not solve all your problems, especially not your sin problem. It’s important to implement wisdom prior to receiving a large sum of money, because it’s what you’ll need to use it properly. If not, it will be gone in the blink of an eye. 

It’s true that money will be insurance for you against physical and / or financial losses, but wisdom protects you from moral and spiritual damage. Wisdom helps preserve one’s life, not only their material fortune. Isn’t it interesting that man wants endless riches, yet doesn’t want Christ? I’m certain it may have something to do with a person not seeing any connection between money and God. Man feels he must have money; however, he is probably completely unaware of his need to have sins cleansed. Always remember that while we need money to survive in this life, we don’t have to have wealth, because money cannot buy you life, nor can it buy you eternity. Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing.

Richard Keller

Bread of Life Ministries


Disclaimer:  This post is not to say there is anything wrong with having wealth. The main two questions that need to be asked regarding those riches is how you got it and what you plan to do with it. Do you spend it on yourself in a frivolous manner or do you take a large portion to give away to causes that glorify God? rk

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