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Saturday, July 23, 2022

The Miracles of Jesus

The Government Official’s Son

John 4:46-54 NLT

“When [a government official] heard that Jesus had come from Judea to Galilee, he went and begged Jesus to come to Capernaum to heal his son, who was about to die.”- John 4:47

            The government official spoken of was more than likely an officer in King Herod’s service. He had to have walked 20 miles just to see Jesus showing that he obviously believed Jesus could heal his dying son. With all the healing the Lord had been doing throughout the countryside in big cities and tiny villages, word of these miracles must have gotten to this man. 

The officer, when speaking to Jesus showed Him respect by calling Him ‘Lord’ in verse 49. This title showed that the officer saw Jesus as having greater authority than he did. The officer’s faith must have been the same as the Centurion from Matthew 8 and John 7, for they both would give orders to their troops and their men never would have disregarded or disobeyed an order given. Therefore, when Jesus said to him, “Go back home. Your son will live!” (verse 49), the officer went straightaway without a word. As he was on his way home, his servants met him on the road and told him the news... “his son was alive and well”. 

Here John is showing, as his fellow disciples had done, that Jesus ministry was open to all, not just the Jews. This gentile officer’s faith was rewarded. He had to first believe, which is plain to see because he came such a long way just to see Jesus. Plus the scripture states in verse 50 that ‘he believed what Jesus had said and started home’. He put feet to his faith by submitting to Jesus and following his instructions.

How does this relate to us today?  We must understand the principle that we can’t simply say we believe Jesus can take care of our problem(s). We must act as if He can. When you pray regarding a problem or a need, live your life as if you believe Jesus is more than capable of doing what He has said He would do according to scripture. Quote verses back to the Lord as a means of bolstering our own faith. He enjoys hearing His word coming back to Him from our own lips. Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing.

In His name & for His glory,

Richard Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

Resource: The Life Application Study Bible, p. 2293-2294, c. 2007.

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