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Thursday, June 15, 2023

The Prophet Amos

The Prophet Amos

Amos 1-9

Oppressing the Poor


            The wealthy, powerful people of Samaria, the capital of Israel, had become prosperous, greedy, and unjust. Illegal and immoral slavery came as a result of over-taxation and land-grabbing, which is “the act or practice of seizing or occupying land by unlawful or dishonorable means”[1] There was also cruelty and indifference toward those who were considered by the wealthy Israelites to be less fortunate, creating in their minds the thought that those people were beneath them. God had during Amos time, grown weary of the peoples greed and indifference and would not tolerate man’s injustice toward their fellow man.

            God made all people; therefore, to ignore the poor is to ignore those whom God loves, and Christ came to save. Israel’s sin is still practiced today by us all. All people must go beyond feeling bad for the poor and oppressed. We’re to act with compassion, trying to end injustice as we help care for those in need. That is what I refer to as “being Christ” to those we encounter each day.

            This sin of oppression is often based on judging others due to their physical and/or fashion appearance or how they speak. Are they learned, as in acquiring knowledge by learning or personal experience? Do they have a favorable reputation? Are they well-known? We must all be blind to anything that the world would consider a negative. The Jews were judged harshly for placing those deemed less fortunate beneath them by ignoring them or “giving them a hard time”.  Always remember and never forget God’s greatest commandment: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.” The second is this: “’Love your neighbor as yourself.’ No other commandment is greater than these.” *

            Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing.

In His Name & for His Glory,

Richard Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

[1] Cited from The Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia which is one of the largest encyclopedic dictionaries of the English language. In its day it was compared favorably with the Oxford English Dictionary, and frequently consulted for more factual information than would normally be the case for a dictionary.

Mark 12:30-31

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