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Sunday, June 18, 2023

The Prophet Amos

The Prophet Amos

Amos 1-9

Superficial Religion


            In Amos’ day many of the people had abandoned their faith in God; however, still put on an outward show of religiosity. They obviously didn’t know God well enough to know that He sees and knows all things, therefore, while they may fake out everyone on the face of the earth, they could never put anything past our Lord. Their superficial religious exercises replaced what God was, and still is expecting ... spiritual integrity and heartfelt obedience toward the Lord. 

            This expectation flies in the face of the simplistic approach by a large portion of Christianity even today; that being believing in God and Jesus and being good. I’m afraid it’s a little more complicated than that. Being truly ‘born-again’ of the Spirit of God is evidenced by living according to God’s standards found in scripture and with the Spirit’s help live a life that imitates Christ. Jesus DIED ON THEIR behalf, even though they lived prior to His birth and it’s the same today. He didn’t have to do that, but He chose to. 

            The Lord isn’t looking for robotic responses from His followers. He knows their heart as well as their intentions. God simply wants everyone to avoid the complications and distrust that comes from trying to impress those around you with insincere Christian gestures.

            Those whose faith is insincere toward God, have determined in their own minds that because they know God, nothing bad will ever happen to them. It doesn’t work that way. Their insincerity is tantamount to disobedience which will be punished on the last day unless repentance is forthcoming. 

            While we serve a loving, compassionate God, His judgment against sin and disobedience will come. The message to the people by God thru Amos was clear and concise. Though He loved the Jewish people unconditionally, just as He does us, He will not overlook sin. The Bible is our roadmap to heaven. Do as it says, and you’ll not go wrong. This concludes our brief look into the Prophet Amos and God’s message to a less then obedience Israeli people. Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing.

In His Name & for His Glory,

Richard Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

Resource: The Life Application Study Bible.

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