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Friday, May 3, 2024

REVELATION - The Mega Themes (part 2)

JUDGMENT - There is a day coming, a time no man knows, when God’s avenging anger shall be fully and completely released. At that time there will be neither any place to run, nor any place to hide from his divine wrath. Satan and his demons will be thoroughly defeated and cast into the Lake of Fire reserved for them. False religions shall be destroyed. Those faithful servants who followed the Lord shall be rewarded with eternal life, but all who have refused to believe in God will face eternal separation from God with no hope of redemption. There will be no end to the punishment that will be inflicted upon them for all eternity.

            Evil and injustice will not triumph forever, for God’s final judgment will stop it in its tracks. It is imperative that all followers of Christ are absolutely certain that their commitment to Christ is unwavering so as to escape the great final judgment of God. No one who rejects Christ will escape God’s punishment.

            I’d like to address a certain thought process that exists with many casual believers. That being that “God is a god of love; surely he wouldn’t send anyone to hell.” Let’s get something very clear; God has never SENT anyone to hell, nor WILL he ever send anyone to hell. “The Lord does not delay [as though He were unable to act] and is not slow about His promise, as some count slowness, but is [extraordinarily] patient toward you, not wishing for any to perish but for all to come to repentance.” [2 Peter 3:9 AMP] Does that sound like someone who intends to ship anyone to hell? No, it doesn’t. People, by their own decision, have decided to sidestep what they believe is a restrictive lifestyle to “enjoy” a life filled with temporal pleasures. They are unaware of what awaits them as the end of life as we know it arrives. At that time there will be no clemency, nothing but sorrow and remorse for a life that has been wasted. Life with God is filled with wonderful blessings and an eternal home where we will never want for anything ever again. Not believing in what scripture details for us is very human, but on the final day no excuses will be accepted. All hope of reversal regarding the sentence that has been pronounced against those who ignored Jesus’ teachings are gone. So don’t think that God won’t send anyone to hell, because that is something man does all by himself thru stubborn, arrogant ignorance.


HOPE - There is a day coming when God will create a new heaven and a new earth. At that time all believers will live with him forever in perfect peace and security. The dead in Christ will be raised to life. These promises for our future bring us hope.

            Our great hope is that what Christ promised will actually come true. Having confidence in our final destination will allow us to follow Christ with unshakeable dedication, no matter what we are confronted with in this life. We can be encouraged by hoping in Christ’s return.

            Next we will continue on with our look at the Revelation of Jesus Christ. Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing.

In His Name & for His blessing,

Richard Keller

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Source: The Life Application Study Bible.

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