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Thursday, May 2, 2024

REVELATION - The Mega Themes

            The book of Revelation is FROM Jesus Christ, CONCERNING Jesus Christ and OF Jesus Christ. The Father gave the revelation of his plan to his Son, who, in turn, revealed it to the Apostle John. It reveals Christ’s full identity and God’s plan for the end of the world as we know it.  It also focuses on Christ’s 2nd Coming, his victory over all evil and the establishment of his Kingdom on earth. As you read thru Revelation, take note of the main message within the text; that being the infinite love, power, and justice of the Lord Jesus Christ.


GOD’S SOVEREIGNTY - Being sovereign is to have SUPREME AUTHORITY. What would God have supreme authority over? Since we believe Almighty God created all living things, as well as the planet we live on, then I’d say God has supreme authority over EVERYTHING in existence. He is greater than ANY power in the universe. God cannot be compared to any leader, government, or religion for they are so far inferior to him that it would be a joke to even attempt such a comparison. Even though man was given a free will to choose how he would live, God knew he would never make it on his own. 

                  Satan is powerful on this earth, which God allowed him to have dominion over for a time, so we must be careful NOT to be led astray from the truth. God is all-powerful, and in complete control. If we are redeemed then we are his family, and he will make sure that all true believers will remain safe into eternal life. Because God’s love for all his children is unmatched, we must know that we can trust him with our very lives.


CHRIST’S RETURN - Jesus Christ came to earth as a ‘lamb’, which is the symbol of his perfect sacrifice for all sin. When he returns a 2nd time it will be as a triumphant ‘Lion’, who will be the rightful ruler and conqueror. Christ will defeat Satan, settle accounts with all those who rejected him, and bring his faithful people with him into eternity.

                  Knowing in our heart that Christ will absolutely return for us gives those suffering for their faith the strength to endure. We all can look forward to his return as both King and Judge. Since we have no idea when he will return, it behooves us to always be ready by keeping our faith strong. 


GOD’S FAITHFUL PEOPLE - John wrote Revelation to encourage the church to resist the demands to worship the Roman emperor. He warns all God’s people to remain devoted only to Jesus Christ. Revelation identifies those who are faithful and what they ought to be doing while waiting for Christ to return.

                  Believing in Christ and seeking to live your new life according to God’s statutes will secure victory for all who adhere to the Word. Those loyal followers of Christ will be able, with the help of the Holy Spirit, to resist temptation. Our main focus in life is to be the risen Christ, for he is the essence of love, compassion, forgiveness, and truth. 

                  Next we will continue looking at the remainder of the Mega Themes found in Revelation. Until then, walk with the King and be a blessing.

In His Name & for His Glory,

Richard Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

Source: The Life Application Study Bible.

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