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Thursday, September 19, 2024

Why God Allows Suffering

It Reminds Us of the Reality of Sin


“Each of us knows firsthand what it means to suffer as a result of someone else’s sin. We have all been the victims of the evil choices of others. Evil words and actions have left great marks on our hearts, minds, and bodies. Because of this, some people will get angry with God, believing He did nothing to stop the sin that unfolded. Yet, none of us is innocent. We too have played the role of sinner, harming others with the choices we make. Sin lurks at each of our doors. We, like Cain must battle our fear, insecurity, shame, resentment, and anger. Failing to recognize or master these things often creates suffering for others.”

Since scripture instructs us to treat others as greater than ourselves, aka, selfless living, it stands to reason that sin should be far from us. But when an individual sins against us we have no control over that. That is when our hurt needs to be overcome by grace and forgiveness. When that event takes place trust in that individual will most likely be hard to come by, however, grace always wins out. 

Luke 6:31 states: Treat others just as you want to be treated.” Being human, our strong tendency is to treat others the way they treat you. While that is humanly understandable, the world will see no difference between you and the rest of the world. It’s when you live as an imitation of Christ in the midst of your peers that your life will get noticed. Be different than others in this hardened, sin sick world. Overlook the sins of others that have a negative effect on you and / or those you love and pray for them to see the error of their ways. Show them love and forgiveness just as God showed you. Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing.

In His Name & for His Glory,

Richard Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

Footnote: Lesli White is a graduate of Virginia Commonwealth with a bachelor’s degree in Mass Communications and a concentration in print and online journalism. In college, she took a number of religious studies courses and harnessed her talent for storytelling. White has a rich faith background. Her father, a Lutheran pastor and life coach was a big influence in her faith life, helping her to see the value of sharing the message of Christ with others. She has served in the church from an early age. Some of these roles include assisting ministry, mutual ministry, worship and music ministry and church council.   

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