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Saturday, September 21, 2024

Why God Allows Suffering

It Allows Us to Minister


         Just because we suffer in some form or fashion doesn’t mean that we need to seek out others with the same difficulties to minister to them. God sets up what I refer to as ‘divine appointments’ in that He arranges them. Typically it is by pure happenstance that two people in this scenario meet. All sorts of opportunities could present themselves. If the other person is unsaved, you can weigh the option of sharing the gospel. You can definitely offer to pray for them once you know their issue. 

            As Ms. White shares, “the comfort of God that we can extend to others isn’t limited to the church and is not limited to shared experiences.” In other words, we don’t have to be in a church setting to minister to others. We can be anywhere, just as God is everywhere. There is always the possibility that you have had exactly the same malady or dilemma as a person you meet. In that case you can obviously relate your situation as a show of solidarity. 

            With regards to sickness, healing may not always be in the offing, but for the suffering Christian it can be an exercise in faith. Just because a healing never comes doesn’t mean God didn’t hear our prayer, nor does it mean He doesn’t care about us. In my humble opinion God will use medicine and/or a doctor to bring about the healing. It isn’t always the miraculous that takes place, but it can be. Faith is believing that which we cannot see as if we can. That is a bare bones definition, but it’s true, nonetheless.  And the problem isn’t always a medical issue. The suffering we may be going thru could be financial, mental (as in immense stress) ... pretty much anything can provide suffering to an individual.

            When we attempt to minister to another person, regardless of their situation, it is crucial that we initially do more listening than talking. It shows we care enough to find out what is troubling the other person, especially if they are a stranger to us. Allow the Holy Spirit to work.  God can provide comfort and peace for the afflicted person and that may just be what is needed at that time more than your words. A prayer is always a great way to end the encounter.  

This ends our look at Why God Allows Suffering. Until then, walk with the King and be a blessing.

In His Name & for His Glory,

RL Keller

Bread of Life Ministries







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