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Thursday, October 8, 2015


“For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” 2 Timothy 1:7
       Timothy was naturally timid, which is why Paul encourages him by saying that God didn’t give him a spirit of fear.  The spirit the Lord gives us is the Holy Spirit.  Now it is natural to be fearful in certain situations.  Even something as simple as entering into a pitch-dark room can give us reason to pause.  If that isn’t so then why do we grope for the light switch right away?  We are generally afraid of the unknown.  The future can tend to provide a sense of fear and apprehension. That’s where faith comes in. 
       Faith; believing in something you cannot experience with your senses as if you can.  Faith is required to believe in God.  Faith is required to witness or to testify of God’s goodness.  Faith is required to believe you are forgiven.  Faith is based on a love for the Father and love casts out all fear (1 John 4:18).  Having the Spirit of God in us will quiet our mind. The Holy Spirit is courageous and powerful and those are characteristics God wishes you to have as well.  It requires diligent action to live without fear.  In other words, it requires a spirit of perseverance. 
      Our Heavenly Father is the One who wishes us to succeed in all we do, especially those things we do for the Kingdom.  All else is peripheral.  All else is unimportant.  God can override our spirit of fear if we ask Him to.  We need to focus on Him and on things that are related to Him and our fear will dissipate.  Focusing on the issue at hand is the same as Peter trying to walk on the water in the Gospels.  Once Peter’s focus was on the winds and the waves he began to sink.  It need not be that way.  Place your focus on your Heavenly Father and let His spirit permeate your soul.  Fear is from Satan.  He is a defeated foe.  Trust the Lord to enable you to conquer your fears and live in victory.  Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing!

Resources: The Matthew Henry Bible Commentary; The Reformation Study Bible; The Asbury Bible Commentary and

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