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Monday, February 6, 2017


Proverbs 21:21 New Living Translation
“Whoever pursues righteousness and unfailing love will find life, righteousness, and honor.”
         To those of us who seek righteousness and pursue it as we would anything we strongly desire, we shall find it. We know that once we receive Christ we are seen as righteous in the eyes of God, but that is righteousness in a positional sense. We are not literally righteous in our way of living, at least not yet. We are to not only pursue righteous living, but also display unfailing love. Being emotional creatures, many times we lead with those emotions rather than rein them in. We must lead with loving kindness and allow fairness and mercy to rule the day. “We must both do justly and love mercy, and must proceed and persevere therein; and, though we cannot attain to perfection, yet it will be a comfort to us if we aim at it and follow after it.” [1]
         There are many godly attributes that we should strive for although we may never attain them. We should never become content with easy living, but take the utmost care to live a life that is pleasing to our God. Christ took on our sin willingly so that we could be free, but that is not a license to do as we please. We can do as we please, that is true, but just as Paul tells the freewheeling Corinthians, “not all things are beneficial” and “not all things are constructive”.  Christian living isn’t restrictive or at least it needn’t be. It’s not a matter of denying oneself, but rather a matter of no longer desiring that which is not beneficial to us.
         If we live a life filled with kindness toward others, with our sole motivation being to live a life that is pleasing to God, we shall find righteousness and our days shall be as long as he has ordained. Place the interests of others above yourself and you will be blessed of God. He will shower you will untold blessings, many of which are not material in nature, but rather attitudinal. Things we may barely notice, but others will. It will enable you to be Christ within your circle of influence. Touch lives for Christ and reap blessings from above.  Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing!
Resource: Matthew Henry’s Commentary on the Bible.
[1] Matthew Henry’s commentary on Proverbs 21:21. 

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