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Monday, July 10, 2017


You say, “I am allowed to do anything”, but not everything is good for you. You say, “I am allowed to do anything”, but not everything is beneficial. Don’t be concerned for your own good but for the good of others.” 1 Corinthians 10:23-24 New Living Translation
     Free will is one of the greatest gifts God gives to us. It means you get to choose what you would like to believe. While it’s true you can do whatever you want, whatever you do has consequences that follow. It is not merely a Biblical principle, but a universal law. For every action there is a reaction. Every word out of our mouth either builds up or breaks down. Every thought, when put into action, creates a result, sometimes desired, sometimes undesired. We have the choice to think, say and do ANYTHING we want. However, Paul cautions us before we get too carried away that everything isn’t always going to be helpful or constructive to us. 
     God’s desire is to lead us into a life of peace, at times in the midst of a storm. He wishes to lead and guide us down a narrow path that leads to an eternal reward that we cannot even imagine in our wildest dreams.

     God forgives ANY transgression when forgiveness is sought with a contrite heart. Material goods rot and decay; things of the spirit last forever. This world dangles all sorts of enticing baubles in front of us to get us to follow down another path, but the path that leads to life, while narrow, is safe and protected by God himself. He allows us to choose, yet wishes us to follow him. As believers it is our responsibility to get others to follow along. The Spirit enables us to say the right thing that compels others to come along. It can be difficult to convince someone which path to choose because seeing something that cannot be seen as if you could see it requires a certain condition of the heart. It must be open and receptive and that requires faith. Sadly, everyone isn’t going to choose life with Christ, but not knowing who they are we must strive to BE Christ to all those we encounter so they can see godly lives in action and embrace redemption.  Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing!

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