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Monday, October 28, 2019

Looking at Isaiah

Isaiah 45:21c-23 – “For there is no other God but me, a righteous God and Savior. There is none but me. Let all the world look to me for salvation! For I am God; there is no other. I have sworn by my own name; I have spoken the truth, and I will never go back on my word: Every knee will bend to me, and every tongue will declare allegiance to me.”
            This portion of chapter 45 in Isaiah may come across as one who is nothing more than a dictator who would have a problem with all who defy him. That’s not true. While it is certainly true that those who reject God will end up feeling his wrath in the end and spend an eternity separated from him, it doesn’t have to be that way. It has been well documented thru the ages that man pretty much wants his own way. If things are going well they don’t need God and if things are going poorly they want to know how God could do that to them. Their appreciation for God is sporadic and conditional. The value they’ve placed on knowing God fluctuates almost daily. 
            Let’s get a few things straight about Almighty God. He has no beginning and no end, he just IS. He has repeatedly stated, “There is no other God but me”. If the truth be told man has concocted many, many gods, all of whom are powerless and therefore useless. Man seems to want something or someone they can experience with their senses to place their faith in instead of someone that cannot be seen. Facts will not prove nor disprove God’s existence. Facts also negate the need for faith. Christianity is a faith-based set of beliefs.
            Is God nothing more than a dictator who would demand that you follow him or pay a severe penalty, likely incarceration or death. God wants people to follow him because they want to, not because they feel they have to. Allegiance to God is completely voluntary.
            While the Jews were chosen by God to make covenant with, it is the 3rd sentence above that seems to allude to salvation being made available to the Gentiles. We must remember that a Gentile is ANYONE who is not a Jew. So essentially the sentence I am referring to could read“Let all the GENTILES look to me for salvation!”  It was God’s plan all along to include the non-Jew in his redemptive work. 
            Look at all we find reinforced in these couple verses about God.  1) The Lord is the ONLY God; 2) He is a righteous savior; 3) Salvation comes only thru him; 4) He speaks the truth & 5) He does not go back on his word. No matter what man may think or say or believe in their mind, one day every knee WILL bend to God & every tongue WILL declare allegiance to him. You can look at that as tyrannical or as a benevolent, loving Heavenly Father who knows what’s best for his children. Anyone who pledges allegiance to Christ will never die, but will reign with him for all eternity. It’s all how you choose to see it. Next we will look at Chapter 48 as Israel’s stubbornness tests God’s patience again. Until then, walk with the King and be a blessing!  rlkeller
Resources:  The Life Application Study Bible;

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