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Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Thoughts from a Random Mind

            This country has become hypersensitive of late and has no tolerance for anything that they perceive to be against their cause. Example: The announcer for a certain west coast NBA basketball team tweeted in response to the BLACK LIVES MATTER (BLM) mantra that in reality ALL LIVES MATTER (ALM). The BLM group voiced opposition to the statement that ALL LIVES MATTER because they felt it minimized what they were trying to accomplish with their movement. Really? I mean, REALLY? The announcer was relieved of his duties, thus losing his livelihood. All for making the simple statement that ALL LIVES MATTER. I think that’s a shame. 
            Listen, black lives absolutely matter, without question, but what in the world is wrong with saying “All Lives Matter”. Why must it be segregated to only those of color? Why is that statement so offensive? How does it minimize the BLM cause? The blacks fought against segregation back in the 1960’s and now they seem to embrace it as long as it throws a spotlight on their “cause”. Racism and reverse-Racism is WRONG, dead wrong and should not have to be tolerated. ALL LIVES DO MATTER! God created each one of us. In his creativity he created us with different skin tones. The color of a person’s skin is a beautiful thing and shouldn’t be a determining factor in how they are treated. The “Golden Rule” from scripture tells us we should treat others the way we would like to be treated. Amen to that. We should do that in spite of how we are treated. 
            The killing of Mr. Floyd was a tragedy that never should have happened and if the offending officer, who reportedly had 18 previous complaints of excessive force against him, had been removed from the force after the 1st or 2nd offense, Mr. Floyd would still be alive. Mr. Floyd’s life mattered, as does every other created being on this planet. Let us put down our bricks and other sundry weapons and embrace the diversity of our country. May the Lord grant the Floyd family His grace and peace in their time of mourning and may those who seem hell bent on destructive reconsider their actions and seek a peaceful solution instead. 
Rich Keller
Bread of Life Ministries

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