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Friday, September 10, 2021

Thoughts from a Random Mind

Why is it that God doesn’t answer all our prayers? Theoretically, there could be many reasons. One example can be found in Daniel 10, where the prophet Daniel prayed for 3 weeks … on the 24th day a mighty angel told Daniel he had been delayed 3 weeks due to a confrontation with a demon (one of the fallen angels). Frankly, that may happen a lot. One never knows. Daniel’s prayers were answered after the stated delay. 

I believe God answers in 3 ways: 1) yes, 2) no, or 3) not yet. But there are times when people are suffering with diseases or other physical ailments and never get healed this side of heaven. While I have no explanation for that, that doesn’t mean there isn’t an answer, it just means I don’t know it. God knows and understands yet will not divulge his reasoning for not bringing healing.  Does this mean God is a dictator? No, I really don’t think so. The fact that he knows ALL THAT CAN BE KNOWN puts on hold the accusation that God is a tyrannical king. 

If we always got exactly what we prayed for instantly would there still be the need for faith? I think ‘yes’, but to a lesser extent. You would have the faith and trust to ask in the first place, but knowing the answer is instantly coming takes some of the gloss off your faith. Scripture implies that whatever we ask for we shall receive (Matthew 21:22). I say ‘implies’ because while it definitely says that it is not as it appears.  

We are expected, due to the love we have for the Father, to grow spiritually and seek things that are pleasing to God and according to his will for us. Our materialistic nature would want every ‘thing’ our eyes saw, not unlike a small child in a grocery store pointing to everything they see and yelling out to their parent that they want this and that.  Sometimes the parent must say ‘no’ because they know that ‘thing’ will not be good for them. Doesn’t that sound familiar? Isn’t God doing the very same thing for us? I say FOR us, instead of TO us, because he’s truly doing us a favor by withholding certain things we say we want or need.  

There are many things I don’t understand in this life, but I have deemed that alright, because I believe I know God fairly well. That’s not just because I’ve been walking with the Lord for over 42 years, but because I have spent much of that time reading the Word and seeking to please God with my life each day. Sure, I have good days and bad days, but God is still God in spite of my failings and his love for me is unwavering. Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing.

Richard Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

Matthew 21:22 “If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.”


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