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Sunday, October 17, 2021

Walking Thru Ecclesiastes

Walking Thru Ecclesiastes

Solomon’s general observations

Ecclesiastes 3:1 thru 5:20


            In Chapter 5, Solomon begins by telling his readers how to approach God.  When you enter God’s house you should do it with EARS OPEN and MOUTH SHUT. We should be open to anything that may transpire there. Remember, the creature is not at any point in its existence greater than its’ Creator. Therefore, we ought to be prepared to listen to God’s voice. We think we know but we do not. God knows and is willing to share wisdom with us, but we come ill prepared to listen. Too many of us think we know better than our Lord, but if that were true then how do we end up in so many calamitous situations.

            Solomon touched on making promises. In verse 5, 6 he proclaims, “It is better to say nothing than to make a promise (to God) and not keep it. Don’t let your mouth make you sin.”

In Israelite culture making a vow was a very serious matter. Once made they were unbreakable. It was and still is a foolish endeavor to make a promise you cannot keep. If you make a vow (or a promise), KEEP IT, or don’t make it at all.

            Acquiring wealth is considered by Solomon to be a futile undertaking. No matter how much you acquire will be determined not to be enough. Once you have your wealth you will also acquire “new” friends who will help you spend it. Therefore, believing that true happiness coming from acquiring wealth is foolhardy … a chasing after the wind. It can be a very risky strategy to place large sums of money into an investment. This is meaningless, especially if you lose your money in a faulty investment. Then you have nothing left to pass on to your children. This was a terrible thing, for it was of paramount importance to the Jews to leave something to their offspring.

            Solomon ends this chapter by pointing out something good, at least from his perspective. That it was good for people that work hard to eat, drink, and enjoy life as they work hard during the short life that God has given us. We really don’t have much time to live at all. 80 or 90 years no doubt seems like a healthy sum of years to live on this earth but compared to eternity it is a mere drop in the proverbial bucket. Note he is not saying to party hardy every chance you get. That which we have is a gift from God. We are to enjoy that which we have and not wish we had more. Don’t brood over the past, but rather focus on the gift Giver instead of the gift itself. Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing.

Richard Keller

Bread of Life Ministries



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