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Sunday, April 16, 2023

Romans - Israel's Unbelief

Israel’s Unbelief

Romans 9:30-33


Paul once again reminds his Jewish brothers that they cannot live by the law to please God, because the law couldn’t be followed perfectly. It was brought forth to shine a spotlight on the sins of man, not to bring about forgiveness. Eternal forgiveness only comes thru Christ.

            We today may still think that doing the ‘right’ things will honor God...things like attending church, doing church work, giving offerings and being nice to one another. We may very well believe these things are required, but this approach never succeeds. Pleasing God and receiving eternity as our reward comes to those who realize that they can NEVER be good enough and must depend on Christ. We are only saved by putting our faith in what Jesus Christ has done.

            The Jews DID seek to honor God but went about it the wrong way. Their adherence to the law thru rigid obedience did not work, although they felt that it was the correct path to take. They never quite understood that salvation depended on faith and not human effort.

            Quoting from Isaiah, Paul tells of a stone in Jerusalem that made people stumble and fall. That stone was the presence of Jesus Christ. His teachings flew in the face of the 100’s of made up rules that the religious leaders of their day forced on the people. Jesus was preaching and teaching the basic principles of the law without the somber result of not being able to fulfill them. God wishes us to emulate Christ in all we think, say, and do. We aren’t perfect, nor shall we ever be however, trying is the starting point and with the help of the Holy Spirit, success shall be found. Disregarding the law or Christ’s teachings is tantamount to insisting you can enter eternity all on your own. It will never happen. People want to control each situation in their life never realizing God cannot be controlled. Submission to God and His standards should be accomplished out of faith, trust, and love. Eternal salvation is what man receives thru faith. The Jewish religious leaders had set up a system that was based on the law exclusively, with no inclusion of Christ. This was because they didn’t accept Jesus as the long awaited Messiah. They fought against God and in the end felt victorious when they saw Jesus crucified. Little did realize Christ would rise from his grave thus fulfilling what He had promised. 

            The Jews unbelief was the millstone that pulled them down. The gift was presented to them and the Jews, as they had done so many times during their history, rejected Christ because He caused disorder in their orderly ranks by disagreeing with their system of belief. Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing.

In His name & for His glory,

Richard Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

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