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Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Romans - Struggling with Sin

Struggling with Sin

Romans 7:14-25


“So the trouble isn’t’ with the law, for it is spiritual and good. The trouble is with me, for I am all too human, a slave to sin.” (Ro. 7:14)


            Too many believers see Paul as a Spiritual Superman and I must confess that I felt pretty much the same way, but when you read Chapter 7 from his letter to the Roman church you realize that Paul was “all too human”. He did what he knew not to do & avoided doing that which he knew he should be doing. Sound familiar? Are we not the very same way?? I would say this makes the apostle Paul incredibly relatable, wouldn’t you?

            Sin is ever-present and is constantly seeking to lure us from the peace and love of God. There is no shame or guilt involved in following God’s plan, but when we do things that fly in the face of that which God wishes us to do, we become ashamed of ourselves because we know better.

            Post crucifixion believers in Christ are under an umbrella of grace, therefore, there’s nothing we do after salvation that can commit us to hell once our sins had been expunged. 

Paul compares Christian growth as a prize fight as we fight against sinful impulses in an effort to please the Lord. Without the assistance of each person of the Trinity, which we are promised in scripture, we have no hope of avoiding living a sin riddled life. 

            Paul’s immense struggle should speak to all our hearts. He’s not being melodramatic, but frankly, just being ‘real’. It’s easier to draw closer to someone once you get to truly know them. Hearing Paul share his weakness that obviously frustrates him quite a bit, needs for us to acknowledge his difficulties and strive to thwart the same from happening to us. Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing.

In His Name & for His glory,

Richard Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

Resource: The Life Application Study Bible

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