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Thursday, November 16, 2023

JOHN: The Mega-Themes ...

Jesus Christ, Son of God 


            John reveals to us the uniqueness of Jesus. Why is he unique?  Because he is God’s special Son AND is also fully God! For that reason Jesus is uniquely able to reveal God to all who wish to know with clarity and accuracy.

            Because Jesus is God’s Son, we can believe what he says without question or apprehension. By trusting him we will have an easier time understanding God’s message to us and be more able to fulfill his will and purpose in our lives.


Eternal Life


            Because Jesus is God there is no beginning or end to his existence. He just IS. Now I’m not going to pretend that I understand that, but I have chosen to believe it. You see, we don’t have to understand something to believe it. For me, the clincher is that if God said it I have chosen to believe it is true. Knowing what I know about the Lord, the scriptures, and my inability to do very little of eternal value on my own, I lean on Christ and trust that the Holy Spirit will lead and guide me as long as I have an open mind and even a modicum of discernment. 

            Before the world began the Son lived with the Father and with him will reign throughout eternity. John’s gospel reveals to us the power and magnificence of Jesus, even prior to his resurrection. He offers eternal life to us NOW so that we can begin living an intimate, eternal relationship with him. There’s no need to wait. Redemption is available at this very moment. By trusting Christ now we can have a new life that lasts forever.




            John’s gospel records 8 specific signs, or miracles that reveal to us the nature of Jesus’ power and endless love. These signs encourage all to believe in him. We see his power over his entire creation and his unconditional love for all people, redeemed or not. Yes, that’s right. The vilest sinner is loved by God. What that person DOES is NOT loved by God. That is where his spiritual army comes in. We must pray to be led to share our beliefs whenever the Spirit provokes us to. It can be daunting for sure, but the Lord is with us. Satan plants the suggestion of fear and we balk. I’m guilty of that myself. We shouldn’t be ashamed or feel guilty ... just crank up our faith and trust another notch or two and move on. Try not to dwell on negative thoughts and results. When we fail we learn.

            “Believing is active, living, and continuous trust in Jesus as God. When we believe in his life, his words, his death, and his resurrection, we are cleansed from sin and receive power to follow him. But we must respond to him by believing.” When we do this our whole life will change for the better. We will begin to make decisions based on Jesus words and the scriptures. We will begin to act and react a little bit more like our savior each day (if we allow the Spirit to lead, guide, and educate us in the ways of God.). Believe, without question, but that belief should leave us with a burning desire to please God and emulate Jesus. THAT is truly what following Christ is about. Change must take place. It’s no longer all about ME ... it’s about Jesus IN me, the hope of glory. 

            Up next we will complete our look at the Mega-Themes of John’s Gospel. Until then, walk with the King and be a blessing.


In His name & for His glory,

Richard Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

Resource: The Life Application Study Bible; p.2276.

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