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Thursday, November 9, 2023

LUKE: Spotlight on Martha, older sister to Mary & Lazarus ..

            In Bethany, where these three lived, Jewish culture required that no one be turned away from the door of an individual. It was considered shameful to do so regardless of who it was or what hour of the day or night it was. 

            Martha, being the older sister, pretty much always sought to be in control of whatever situation the three family members found themselves in. Martha was the one who was always busy. In Bethany she was known as a very hospitable homemaker and hostess. Martha was detail oriented, in that she tended to every precise detail of what she was doing. Because of the way she was socially wired, Martha found it very difficult to relax and enjoy her guests. Martha gently chastised Mary’s lack of assistance with all the preparations for Jesus visit. Martha’s frustration was so intense that she sought Jesus’ help in the matter. No expecting what resolution the Lord would present, she was a little surprised when Jesus gently corrected her attitude and showed her that what she was doing, though good, was not the best thing she could and should be doing. Giving personal attention to her guests should be way more important than the comforts she tried to provide for them.

            When Jesus heard that Lazarus had died [1], Martha ran to him as he approached the scene. Martha displayed both disappointment mixed with a small level of hope. What could Jesus do now that the body had been buried for 4 days. It was naturally expected that an unbearable stench from the grave (a cave cut out of rock) would emanate from the cave where Lazarus was buried. Jesus wasn’t at all concerned about that. Because of his own impending resurrection, not only would the Lord be victor over death, but of resurrection and life!!

            Martha always had a strong desire to do everything exactly right; however by doing this, it kept her from seeing the entire picture. In spite of this, Jesus always exhibited patience with her. There are two important lessons we can learn from Martha. 1) There are times when we must be silent and respectful, always listening for the voice of the Holy Spirit; 2) There is a proper time to listen to Jesus and a proper time to work for him.

            Up next are the 12 gospel accounts found ONLY in Luke’s gospel. Until then, walk with the King and be a blessing.


In His name & for His glory,

Richard Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

Resource: The Life Application Study Bible

[1] John 11:1-44 ... the death & resurrection of Lazarus.

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