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Tuesday, January 14, 2025

7 Reasons Not to Worry

Reason 2


“Look at the birds. They don’t plant or harvest or store food in barns, for your heavenly Father feeds them. And aren’t you far more valuable to him than they are?” - Matthew 6:26 NLT


                  Back in the day MAD was a crazy, satirical magazine that I, along with millions of others, enjoyed reading. As I recall it was very funny. Alfred E. Newman was the face of the magazine who was famous for saying, “What me worry?” People today could take a lesson from Alfred. Some of us tend to worry about every little thing that happens to us that is out of our control. We also invent scenarios in our mind that we begin to stress about as if it had already taken place, though it hadn’t and likely would not. 

                  Worrying takes years off ones life. Stress, which is associated with worrying, can cause all sorts of health problems. The unknown, as in the future, can cause us sleepless nights and tension filled days if we don’t learn how to deal with it.

                  Things have been fairly unstable in our country the last several years and that can cause quite a bit of consternation. I have moments when I shift my focus onto that which is bothering me, but eventually come to my senses and shift my focus back where it belongs; on the Lord. Now, whenever I begin to stress about something I come to the place where I simply lift the entire situation up to God and acknowledge that everything that happens is either caused or allowed by the Creator of this world and all that is in it. God knows all about it and will take care of His children, of which I am one. 

God’s Word tells us in the verse at the top of the page, that our needs shall be met by our Heavenly Father, who in Hebrew is called Jehovah Jireh, the Lord who provides. If you can find it in yourself to believe what I just said then your stress should begin to dissipate. You see God loves us without conditions placed upon that love. And NOTHING will ever change how He feels about us. And He is ALWAYS there, even IN us, thru the person of the Holy Spirit. Worrying does nothing positive for any of us. Fixate on God and be at peace. It is NOT God’s will for any of us to be stressed thru worrying. Shift your focus. Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing.

In His Name & for His Glory,

RL Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

NOTE: Alfred E. Neuman is the fictitious cover boy of the American humor magazine MAD*. The character's distinct smiling face, gap-toothed smile, freckles, red hair, protruding ears, and scrawny body dates back to late 19th-century advertisements.

*MAD was a satirical American humor magazine first published in 1952.

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