Reason 6
“Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.” - Matthew 6:33 NLT
As believers we are to live for God. We are to obey His Word. The tradeoff is that we will receive all that we need to exist and even thrive in this life. Once saved we are told that we are not of this earth, for our citizenship is in heaven. [Philippians 3:20 NLT] When we allow ourselves to fret and worry, especially about things we cannot change, it keeps us from pursuing that which the Lord desires for us. Our time is consumed by doubt and indecision which is from the enemy and not from God. Christ’s desire for us is to have a productive life as His followers.
Discipleship is a full time learning process. To be Christ’s disciple requires a clear conscience and a sound mind that is solely focused on pleasing our Lord. Our seeking should be directed at the things of God and not our own pleasure. Pleasurable time spent is not intrinsically bad, but a necessary part of a person’s life. It just shouldn’t be all we focus on. A time of rest can be critical for the smooth functioning of our mind. To worry about things that cannot be altered in any way is foolhardy. A major waste of time, especially when we understand that God is in control of all things and will not let us fall or fail.
Worrying can be a major disrupter in our life. We waste time pondering the “what ifs”, rather than giving it over to God and asking Him to sort things out for us. Life doesn’t have to be as hard as it sometimes is. We do that to ourselves by not thinking things thru to their necessary conclusion. Read God’s Word to bolster your faith each day, for the enemy is relentless and is constantly looking for ways to trip us up. Shed worry like a snake sheds its skin. Leave it behind and don’t look back. As the saying goes: You can’t plow a straight row if you keep looking back. Serve God in love and don’t look back. Until next time, walk with the King & be a blessing.
In His Name & for His Glory,
RL Keller
Bread of Life Ministries
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