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Friday, December 16, 2011


Luke 1:49 (NKJV) “For He who is mighty has done great things for me … holy is His name.”

might·y  (adj)
1. Having or showing great power, skill, strength, or force.
2. Imposing or awesome in size, degree, or extent

ho·ly  (adj)
1. Belonging to, derived from, or associated with a divine power; sacred.
2. Regarded with or worthy of worship or veneration; revered: a holy book.
3. Living according to a strict or highly moral religious or spiritual system; saintly: a holy person.
4. Specified or set apart for a religious purpose: a holy place.

“He who is mighty” obvious refers to God Himself, for who else does truly MIGHTY things? Jehovah God is described in scripture as being Omnipotent, which is ALL powerful. There is no power greater than the power God wields. With ONE WORD God can alter the course of history. With ONE WORD He can change a person’s circumstances entirely. We have to believe He can and will do that on our behalf, but He is more than able. Our lack of faith in Him doesn’t negate His ability to do whatever He chooses.

His name is HOLY. He is a divine deity; a spirit being who was and is and will be. He is the great “I AM”. He has always been and always will be in existence; He will never cease to exist. Now I don’t pretend to understand that … not even a little bit, but the Bible says it and I believe it without hesitation. I know there is a higher power at work in my life each day and there is no reason for me not to believe it is a loving, benevolent unseen deity who always has my best interests at heart.

The above verse of taken from what scripture refers to as “the song of Mary”. She is extolling the virtues of her God.  Her song is a good example of how we too can praise our God whether we are in our car driving somewhere, in church, at home, taking a walk … ANYWHERE! We don’t have to meet with God at a church alter or even in a church building. WE are the church. The edifice we call the church is nothing more than a building. WE are the church. So it stands to reason that as long as we exist in THIS earthly tent of skin, we would want to praise, worship and glorify Jehovah God. Why? For no other reason than because He is worth it. Actually, He is MORE than worth it. Who else in the history of man has done the things that God has done? No one. Who else could possibly be worthy of any praise or honor whatsoever? No one. The greatest deeds done by man during his lifetime pale in comparison to that which God has done or will even THINK of doing.

As we reflect on our lives and that which we are experiencing during this Advent Season, remember that HE who is mighty has done great things for ME. His name is Holy. He desires and is worthy of our undying devotion and continuous praise and worship. As we go through each day, we should reflect on His goodness to us.  We ought to ponder what our condition would be if He was NOT in our lives. Frankly, if we ran our lives for ourselves we would be in trouble. We know it; we just don’t want to think about it. How can a created being who reportedly only utilizes 1/10th of their total brain capacity out perform a universal spirit being who undoubtedly has 100% of His mental faculties at His disposal. It is too impossible to comprehend. So just praise Him. You know He deserves all praise.


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