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Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Hebrews 4:12-13 (NIV) “For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to the dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of Him to Whom we must give account.”

Now I understand that if you don’t believe in God believing in the Bible AS the Word of God is out of the question. If you say you believe in God you HAVE to believe that the Bible is His untainted, perfect word in written form. Scripture speaks of itself as God’s perfect inerrant word; without flaw, filled with instruction and truth. Above we see Paul writing to the Hebrews regarding the word of God. The Bible is like God Himself that it can penetrate into the heart of a man and reveal his true intent of thought, word and deed. There is no falsehood or innuendo with God. He comes right out and says what needs to be said. Man dances around a topic forever to avoid the inevitable consequences linked to a thought, word or deed, but God “cuts to the chase” as the saying goes.

I have said that God knows all about it many times. This portion of scripture bears that thought out. NOTHING is hidden from God’s sight … NOT ONE SINGLE, SOLITARY THING. You may be an expert at hiding the truth from everyone on the face of the planet, but you are unable to hide ANYTHING from God. That is not meant to intimidate or scare you … but it SHOULD scare the bejeebies out of you. If we honestly considered that fact prior to thinking, saying or doing the things we think, say and do, we would behave much differently than we do.

God is trying to make us aware that He is watching us and that there is a better way to go through this life than the way we may be going. His word is there to instruct and educate us. It is vibrant and alive and speaks to us if we allow it to. But for that to happen we must spend some time in His word. We all have busy schedules and that is a fact, but there has to be a modicum*of time that we can spend with God and His word. If we start small and work out way up to something perhaps more substantial, we will find out for ourselves how easy it is to do.

God is a patient, loving, benevolent spirit being Who wishes for us to receive all the blessings He has in store for His children. He is not an eternal “candy man” who is at our beck and call or gives us whatever we so desire. He is an unseen deity Who seeks our praise and worship in exchange for an eternal pardon for our sins.** That may be a rather innocuous way of explaining the grace of God, but essentially is that not what it is. Stripped of all the familiar church jargon and theological phraseology, is it not in its’ simplest form our eternal pardon for ungodly deeds done and in exchange God desires our worship? I believe it is.

Dig into God’s word. Take it on a verse at a time if needs be. Begin digging with a hand trowel to start with and slowly work your way up to a long handled work shovel. Don’t take on too much at first. Just like with prayer, don’t start out by going to an all night prayer event at your church. Start out with 5 min of prayer time. Cultivate your relationship with your God. Begin to listen for His still, small voice. Become familiar with His will for you as you move through life with Him. Find yourself a spiritual mentor; someone who is perhaps older and more mature in the things of God. Tap into their wisdom. Seek their advice. Fellowship with them. Discuss God’s word with them. The word of God is there for our education and edification. Allow it to build up your faith and trust in God. It will do wonders for your daily disposition and demeanor.


* A small, moderate, or token amount.
** Deliberate disobedience to the known will of God.

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