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Saturday, April 1, 2017


Only fools say in their hearts, ‘There is no God.’ They are corrupt, and their actions are evil; not one of them does good!”
Psalm 14:1 New Living Translation
         How foolish it must seem to Almighty God when people say he doesn’t exist. Those that say that are either ignorant or evil. Evil people bow to no one, let alone someone they cannot see. Ignorant people make poor choices as to whom they listen to and believe. There is irrefutable evidence if a person would allow the blinders to be removed from their eyes.
     Christians can become atheists in practice* when they rely more on themselves than God to live their lives. Those who do deny the existence of God are people who have no desire to answer to anyone. They want to call the shots in their own life and have no interest in placing their hopes on an invisible deity.  If they saw him that wouldn’t require faith and those who don’t believe would find a million reasons to still not believe. Their heart is seared over and they only see what they want to see. God extends to them the gift of a lifetime and they see nothing in his hands. Looking with carnal, humanistic, atheistic eyes will never see what God wishes man to see. It takes spiritual eyesight to see the precious gift of redemption.
     In the end it will come down to the choices we make. Albert Camus, French Philosopher, once said, “Life is the result of the choices we’ve made.” This is a simple, yet true statement. Non-believers must choose whether to believe in the existence of God or not. Believers must choose whether they will take their walk with the Lord seriously enough to make their life matter in their world. Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing!
Resource: The Life Application Study Bible.

* I believe this may require a disclaimer: I am in no way saying that believers are turning from their faith by suddenly denying the existence of God; not at all. I am saying that their actions become atheistic-like when they rely on themselves over reliance in God. Hopefully you see the difference.

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