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Tuesday, March 19, 2019


Lent is or at least should be a time of reflection and self-examination. We are called to be more like Christ. If you observe Lent then make it a point to be more Christ-like in all you think, say and do. The devotionals over the 40-day Lenten period are meant to steer you in that direction. May his name be glorified thru our lives.

God Has a Plan For You
“He has saved us and called us to a holy life—not because of anything we have done but because of his own purpose and grace. This grace was given us in Christ Jesus before the beginning of time, …”.-  2 Timothy 1:9 
                  I would like to focus on the two short phrases within this one verse:  “He has saved us … not because of anything we have done.”  First of all, how did He save us?  Well, He sent His One and only Son, Jesus Christ, to be scourged and nailed to a cross. By the sacrificial system that He put into place in the Old Testament, a person’s sins or transgressions must be paid for. The bank account of mankind was empty.  We had and still have no way to pay for our past sins. Christ willingly allowed His own blood to be spilled, as required by God, to pay mankind’s sin debt. What did He save us from? His wrath.  Sin requires judgment.  Improper actions bring with them consequences. The wrath of God is a fearsome, ferocious thing.  Restitution must be and has been made once for all for all time in the form of Christ’s blood sacrifice.  
                  God has a purpose and plan for each individual’s life.  We exercise our faith by believing in a God that cannot be seen and we put our trust in action by relying on His word.  When Scripture says that God has a purpose and plan for us all, we are trusting that is true. We are asked not to doubt it. As a rider on a crowded bus hangs on to the straps that keep us from losing our balance, we are asked to hang on to our faith and go along for an exciting ride through life.  Through the highs and lows, the joys and sorrows, the exhilarations and bitter disappointments we are to hang on. In all those things God is present. He is in the past, the present and even the future. Yes, not constrained by space or time He’s already there. He knows all things and has the power to make whatever needs to happen take place. He is no respecter of persons; in other words, He never plays favorites … what He has done for one He will do for all for His own purposes and pleasure.  
                  This should be joyous news. Is it? I think so. What about you? Are you mired in self-pity, do you have a woe-is-me thing going on?  Perhaps you’ve lost your focus. How do I know this; because I have felt sorry for myself on any number of occasions; getting down in the mouth … feeling despondent; feeling like there was no hope. It didn’t last forever and now I stand on the other side of my greatest trials. I am here to tell you that God cares. He knows exactly what you are going through; exactly how you feel at this very moment. Re-focus! As the church chorus goes: “Turn your eyes upon Jesus; look full in His wonderful face; and the things of earth will grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace.” Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing! rlkeller

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