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Tuesday, March 12, 2019


Faith & Trust
“A man's heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps.”– Proverbs 16:9

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths. Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and depart from evil. “Proverbs 3:5-7
                  We might consider ourselves on perpetual training wheels when it comes to knowing the will of God and His direction for us.  While I don’t believe God’s will is meant to be difficult to read, we make it difficult by trying to decipher the fine nuances of it.  It’s like the Gospel itself.  It is referred to as the “Good News,” yet we complicate it with our own baggage and predispositions that it becomes “Fair to Partly Cloudy News.”  Life is not meant to be a constant trial.  It’s meant to be lived to the fullest; however, we have yet to see a person who has become so entrenched in the Word of God and abounding in faith that life becomes a joyful existence all the time.  We are our own worst enemy.  In spite of warnings to the contrary, we worry, fret and over-examine every challenge life brings our way, finally giving in to a variety of emotions that lead to doubt and indecision.  Rather than being an over-comer, we have become overcome.  We are told not to lean on our own understanding and yet we can’t help ourselves.  So often we have all the best intentions, yet find ourselves racing ahead of God and this is never a good thing.  It’s like we want to show our Father what we can do, when in reality we can do nothing without the proper guidance and spiritual influence (John 15:5)
                  At the root of our problem is the most basic of Biblical concepts: faith.  Faith, in its simplest terms, is seeing the unseen, believing in something that has yet to take place and believing in a God whom you have never seen or heard directly. Going hand in hand with faith is trust. When we first gave our lives to Christ we were excited.  We were joyful.  We were grateful. The emotions that we experienced were positive and good.  What happened?  We allowed the enemy to clutter our minds with nonessential things of no eternal value.  Take the above verses to heart.  Tune in to the Lord, as you would use a fine tuning dial to find your favorite radio station.  Dial in to what He has to say to you daily.  Seek His direction.  Trust Him with every fiber of your being and don’t always try to figure things out, because frankly, sometimes things are unknowable.  Many things in life require faith.  Are you willing to rely on God’s Holy Spirit to guide and direct you this day? It may well be the only way you will arrive at your heavenly destination.  Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing! rlkeller

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