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Sunday, March 10, 2019


House Building 101
“Unless the Lord builds the house, the builder’s labor in vain.”Psalm 127:1

“There is a way which seems right to a man and appears straight before him, but at the end of it is the way of death.Proverbs 14:12 (AMP)
Did you know that you could actually hinder the plans of God in your life? It’s true.  You pray, seek God’s face, ask for His will, yet in your heart you want a certain thing to take place.  You see an opening for that certain thing to become a reality and jump at it, telling yourself that it’s the will of God.  The reality of it is that you have pushed your own will in front of God’s.  If this is suggested to you, you deny this to be the case.  What has actually taken place is that God has allowed you to have your way. He is there watching, yet not interfering with what you have talked yourself into believing was the only right choice for you to make.
I believe this scenario is quite common in believers’ lives.  I suppose it isn’t disobedience as much as it is being obstinateand spiritually immature.  We haven’t come to the place of giving things up.  Our way, if unbridled, can lead us into real messes.  In all these situations that God has allowed to take place in our lives, there are lessons to be learned.  We must learn those lessons well or we will be destined to relive them over again, until we understand what God is trying to reveal to us about ourselves in relation to Himself. He is a willing teacher; however, we are not always listening.  
It is God’s desire to be a part of every decision and plan you are making.  Where you work, where you go to college, where you go to church, who you date and marry… pretty much every life altering decision we need to make.  God’s way is the right way every time.  There is no fault or failing in Him.  His wisdom is reliable and His plans are steadfast and true. Wherever the Lord leads you is where you need to be.  The only way you can know this is to truly know God.  You can only know God by spending time with Him.  If you spend time with Him, no matter how great or small, you will be less likely to labor in vain building something that “seems right to you,”yet only ends up standing in His way.  Submit to Him with a willing heart and spirit and watch the scenery change. Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing!

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