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Monday, September 12, 2022

The Book of Acts

Peter’s Miraculous Escape from Prison

Acts 12:6-19 NLT

“The night before Peter was to be placed on trial, he was asleep, fastened with two chains between two soldiers. Others stood guard at the prison gate.”Acts 12:6

          Tyranny comes in many forms. In this section of scripture we see King Herod Agrippa I, a tyrant in his own right, who appeared fixated on doing away with Christianity entirely and sought to take down its leadership. There was no justice meted out, no fairness, no abiding by the law; Herod wanted them gone and went about making it happen. The one thing he didn’t realize was that anyone who rises up against Almighty God shall be destroyed. If you doubt that go back to the Book of Exodus and see what happened to Pharoah, who sought to destroy Moses and the Jewish people. It didn’t go well for him.

           In this accounting of Peter escape from prison, we must remember there were 16 soldiers commissioned to guard him. Peter was shackled with two chains between two soldiers while the others stood guard at the prison gate. A bright light appeared in the prison cell, and an angel stood before a sleeping Peter. The angel nudged him and told him to get up. Peter got dressed and followed the angel as he led Peter out of the prison and down the street. The angel disappeared, leaving Peter to go to Mary’s house, who was the mother of John Mark. 

          It is interesting that though the believers at Mary’s house were praying for Peter’s safety, when Peter knocked on the door seeking entrance they told the Rhoda, a servant who came to open it, that she was crazy when she told them Peter was outside. Not exactly a shining example of faith in action. Peter continued to knock until someone finally opened the door, letting him in. All were ecstatic to see the apostle in the flesh. 

           What is not mentioned is the apparent fact that the guards were either asleep when the angel came or God made them unable to see what was happening, but the bright light, the appearance of the angel, Peter getting dressed and walking out of the prison with no one seeing him is indeed pretty miraculous.

         The tyrant Herod Agrippa I was obviously livid, although it isn’t said. The 16 soldiers would be punished. Roman law states that the punishment the escaped prisoner was to suffer was now placed upon the soldiers. The King had plans to execute Peter, therefore, since the apostle couldn’t be found anywhere, the soldiers were all executed instead. God cannot be defeated. Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing.

In his name & for his glory,

RL Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

Resource: The Life Application Study Bible.

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