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Thursday, September 15, 2022

The Book of Acts

Barnabas, Son of Encouragement


            Have you ever had someone encourage you when you were down or discouraged? I have, and so has Mark, whom we spoke of yesterday. The early church had such a person in a man named Joseph.  Being an encourager is a spiritual gift and Joseph’s was such that it earned him the nickname “Son of Encouragement” or Barnabas. The interesting thing about him was that he was led by the Holy Spirit to believers who needed to be encouraged. His encouragement was done publicly, which caused non-believers to be drawn to Barnabas to receive Christ. 

            There is no doubt that we should thank Barnabas for much of the New Testament being written as he had a relationship with both Paul and Mark at different times. Imagine what would have happened if both men didn’t have an encourager like Barnabas with them as they went about ministering the gospel to the peoples of various countries foreign to them. Ministry can be very difficult, very trying at times and everyone needs encouragement from time to time. Thank God for the Barnabas’ of the world. 

            Sadly, in seems that we have the tendency to criticize rather than encourage those down because of discouraging blows to their work for the Lord. We need to invoke words of encouragement as a means of edifying our brethren. We need to encourage thru prayer in their presence, rather than in our prayer closet. Human touch can be vital in cases such as these. Ask the Lord to allow his presence to be felt in a real way to accentuate the words being spoken. 

            Barnabas was a great man of God who was one of the 1st to sell his possessions to help the believers back in Jerusalem. He was the 1st to travel with Paul on his missionary trip. Because of his God given encouraging nature, Barnabas was one of the most influential people in the early days of the Christian church.

            The lesson we can take from this story about Barnabas was that encouragement is one of the most effective ways to help others. There is always someone who needs encouragement. Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing.

In his name & for his glory,

RL Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

Resource: The Life Application Study Bible.

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