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Tuesday, September 27, 2022

The Book of Acts

Paul & Barnabas Visit Iconium

Acts 14:1-7 NLT

“The same thing happened in Iconium.[a] Paul and Barnabas went to the Jewish synagogue and preached with such power that a great number of both Jews and Greeks became believers.” Acts 14:1

                  The same reaction was seen by the Apostles. Those who weren’t willing to accept that which is being taught in the name of Christ, became violent and threatened both Paul and Barnabas. The same has been seen in this age. The three towns of Iconium, Lystra and Derbe were located in the southern region of Galatia. After they left this area is the time Paul may have written his letter to the church in Galatia. The disbelieving Jews were zealously defending their traditional Judaic beliefs to the point of wishing to do harm to the Apostles. In spite of this treat, it says they stayed a long time, though it is not specific.

                  During their stay in Iconium they showed the people God’s power by performing many “miraculous signs and wonders”. Even with God’s power on display, many still refused to accept Christ. Some of us would love to perform miracles in the name of Christ, however, this example right here should help you see that it is not in the miracles that God saves, it is a heart, soul and spirit that is willing to be molded into something brand new. All the miracles in the world will not save a single soul, except, of course, for the miracle of salvation which is truly the only miracle necessary to bring about God’s saving grace.

                  In spite of the miraculous signs, the crowds ended up being split, a large group becoming believers in Christ and another large group stirring up trouble against Paul and Barnabas. The agitators wished to attack and stone the Apostles; therefore they fled the area to the nearby towns of Lystra and Derbe. 

                  The lesson we can learn here is to leave the convincing regarding the validity of the gospel to the Holy Spirit. We are called to share the Good News of the gospel of Jesus Christ. We plant, the Spirit waters and God brings in the harvest. Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing.

In his name & for his glory,

RL Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

Resource: The Life Application Study Bible.

[a] Iconium, Lystra & Derbe were all towns in what is now Turkey.

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