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Sunday, October 16, 2022

The Book of Acts

Lydia of Philippi Believes in Jesus

Acts 16:11-15 NLT

“We boarded a boat to Troas & sailed straight across to the island of Samothrace, & the next day to Neapolis. From there we reached Philippi, a major city of that district of Macedonia & a Roman colony. And we stayed there several days.” - Acts 16:11-12

            First thing I should point out is the use of “We” starting in verse 10 & continuing. The author of Acts is none other than Luke, the writer of the Gospel of Luke. It is fairly apparent that he accompanied Paul, Silas & Timothy on their journey. That would make him an eyewitness to most of the remaining incidents chronicled in this book.

            Secondly, Philippi was a key city in the Macedonian region, which would be northern Greece today. Paul founded a church there during his visit in A.D. 50-51. His letter to the Philippian church was more than likely written from a Roman prison on around A.D. 61.

            Philippi didn’t have enough Jewish males to form a synagogue, therefore the Roman authorities didn’t allow unauthorized religious groups to meet in the city. The women actually went outside the city limits to pray as a group by a river. 

Since Paul took his orders from God & not the Roman Empire, he naturally started a church & in his aforementioned letter admonished them to solve any problems of disunity that existed. Paul also encouraged them all not to submit to any persecution, but rather stand strong in their faith as a body. Among those who turned their life over to Christ, was an influential merchant named Lydia. 

            It has often been said that women are more spiritually minded than men ... that they take their beliefs much more seriously then men. This was in evidence back in the early church as God often worked thru women in the earliest churches. 

            What lesson can we learn today? That unity within the church is of paramount importance for a church. Sadly, it seems to be a struggle today to keep a congregation together. As if we didn’t already know, women played & still play a vital role in many foundational aspects of today’s churches. We must begin once again to function as one body & not a fractured body with multiple controverses & issues that will split apart any church if left unchecked. Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing.

In His name & for His glory,

RL Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

Resource: The Life Application Study Bible 


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