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Tuesday, October 18, 2022

The Book of Acts

Lydia’s Story


            The amazing thing about Paul & Silas’ travels were that wherever they went they found people open to the gospel message that they were presenting.  In Philippi they met such a person in Lydia, a gentile businesswoman. 

Lydia was a dealer in fine purple cloth & dye, which more than likely means she was wealthy. No husband is mentioned, but she does have a home (Acts 16:40). She was one of the gentile women who met outside Philippi on the Sabbath to pray by the river with the Jews. That is where the Apostles met Lydia ... at one of their prayer sessions. 

The fact that Lydia partook in these prayer meetings revealed her desire to learn more about God. The Lord honored her spiritual hunger by providing more truth for her to digest. Once she heard the truth about Jesus, she readily believed. Lydia is remembered as Paul’s first European* convert. 

Lydia’s thirst for God was quenched by the Apostles teaching, therefore she didn’t hesitate to get baptized and have the rest of her household come to hear & believe the gospel that was being preached. Apparently they were all saved & got baptized as well.

We can tell by Lydia’s actions that she understood that which was preached & taught & as a result, received the gift of salvation.  This verifies the verse in Matthew 7:16, “ will know them by their fruits.” Lydia was bearing fruit from the very beginning of her relationship with the Lord. 

Is your life with Christ bearing fruit for the kingdom? Are you asking God to open doors of opportunity to share your faith in your neighborhood, at school or at work? Are you praying for the souls in your circle of influence? It’s a start. We all have gifts. We all need to find out what they are & begin to cultivate them with the help of the Holy Spirit who resides within us. These things are readily available & ours for the asking. God doesn’t need us, but in spite of ourselves, has chosen to use us. That’s His plan, He has no other. Allow yourself to be used by the Lord for His kingdom. Until next time, walk with the King & be a blessing.

In His name & for His glory,

RL Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

Resource: The Life Application Study Bible.

* Philippi, an important port city in Macedonia, was considered a part of what could be referred to as Europe at that time.

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