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Friday, November 15, 2024

Taking a Look at Prayer 4

“Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you.”Jeremiah 29:12 NIV

            How would you like to be told that you would be going into captivity in a foreign land for 70 years? I can’t say I would like that very much at all. But that is the message God gave Jeremiah to share with the people of Israel. He also let them know that after that time had passed the Lord would bless them with all the things he had promised them. 

                  Israel is a great example of our own walk with the Lord. With all the times they turned their back on God, he still loved them … without conditions placed upon that love. Think of King David … adulterer, murderer, general disobedience mixed in with being an incredible man of God and was referred to as a man after God’s own heart [Acts 13:22] and the apple of God’s eye [Psalm 17:8]

                  God’s promise to Israel and by association believers today is that when we call on God and pray to him, he will listen. What a wonderful promise. No matter who you are or how undeserving you may think you are, you are no better or worse than the rebellious Israelites or the adulterous, murderer King David. Make no mistake, their sins had dire consequences associated with them, but the punishment was meted out of love. You see, God knows what is best for us and while we CAN go our own way, he tries to guide and direct us by his Holy Spirit. The spirit was with David for he did many mighty deeds in the name of his God. The Lord was also with the people of Israel and performed great things on their behalf. 

                  Know that when you pray your prayers are heard by the creator of the universe and man’s first breath. Pretty amazing, isn’t it? Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing.

In His Name & for His Glory,

RL Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

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